Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Your Heart Is Like a Garden

Make sure love, friendship, fun, happiness, seeing people grow in God, poor reached out, compassion for others, prosperity, music and knowledge of God grows.

Life is fun! = )

Also learn the art of weeding out and recognizing danger.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Grass Is Greener at Your Side

"The grass is greener on your side if you pray miracles over it."

Sunday, May 04, 2008

I'm Starting to Thank God in Word Again

Ps. Russell really got me going when he went on the remembering session of all the great things God has done.

I want to thank God for:
1. Jesus, the Saviour, the King, Holy Spirit, the Guide and Counselor. Holy Spirit, what would I do without You?
2. Ps. Matt, Ps. Russell, Ps. Sam. For inspiring, lifting us to greater heights and loving us.
3. Dad, Mum, Ko and Andrew. You're the best family.
4. My urbies, friends and family. You make life great.
5. Guitars.
6. Soccer and Surfing.
7. Great movies and concerts.
8. Good food, man.
9. Great vision for the future.

I have a complete life. = )

Building Family

1) Meals (where we chat, have fun and enjoy each other)
2) Prayer (where we bring everyone to God and have him speak to them and each one)
3) Special Days (birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, celebrations)
4) Trips (outings, etc)
5) Communication (honest, open sharing)
6) Gifts
7) Protection