Friday, August 31, 2007

Few Things I Have Planned

I want to go to the Dream Center in L.A. for a week when I'm 25 (2 years from now on the week before Hillsong Conference). Will start saving.

I want to go to South Africa hopefully helping out in a Planetshakers Conference there.

In This Time

I've decided to be more vulnerable in my blog. Hopefully people will know what's going on inside and can pray or give great input (like my family). I've decided to spend part of my 30 minutes a night while i brush my teeth, change, reflect, call, pray and get ready to sleep to blog a little. So this will be during 10:30pm -ish.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Like a tick on the metronome
Life moves along like a song
Sometimes high sometimes monotonous
God help me to count the ticking
Knowing what to say and do


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Organization is the key to Success

Why is Life Great When Relationships Are Great?

Probably we're doing the 'loving God, loving people' right. = )

Success - what is it?

Success, what is it? It is the achievement of a goal set.

Prosperity? The increase of quality and quantity of the beneficial (blessing, good stuff) in your life. This can be friends and trials (believe it or not).

I believe that the most important thing is the wisdom or lesson that is obtained.

And one of the wisest man in the world puts it like this:

"13 Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man.

14 For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil."

Dear God,

Help me to live righteously loving You and loving people every single day. I ask and believe and receive wisdom from you, Lord.

From the hungry, humble heart.

the power of a pebble.

someone once said life is like a house. a great mansion will reflect a great life while a straw shack a wasted one.

building great lives requires me to build on something every single day. every day a pebble (action, thought, prayer, gift, deed).

so i will treasure the pebble and not look down on it. nor will i look at other people's mansions and think i want to achieve it very fast when they took 7 to 30 years to get it. Rather i should learn from their experience, methods, insight, prayers and avoid their pitfalls.

The person i'm going to learn today is from King Solomon and Bishop T.D. Jakes. Also Ps. Henry Seeley and Pastor Matt. Obviously from family and friends i have learnt a lot and thanks a million for who have input into my life.

Man I'm blessed to be able to live in the same time as all you people. : )