Monday, January 22, 2007

Something Really Great to Think About

Books Digitized?,,2092-2557653_1,00.html

Top Song by Ayiesha Woods "Happy"

This is a really great song to wake up to. = ) A great song to put a smile on your face and God's face.

Highly recommended [get it from iTunes]. : )

(picture from:

Hillary Clinton Running for President

I've never been very interested in politics. But because of news about Australian troops in Iraq, terrorism, world war, greenhouse gasses and poverty, I'm very interested now in a lady who is running to be the next U.S. president.

Whoever becomes the next U.S. president, God help us all.

picture from:


The Lullaby Experiment

THE LULLABY EXPERIMENT Mozart and Vivaldi are in heavy rotation as part of a Slovak hospital’s program to enhance an infant’s well-being through music.

The need to give children the best start in life.

(Picture from:,26381,,00.html)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Super Fun

Some pics from the worship session we had at the O.C.F. Convention in Rawson Village. : )

This was on a Sunday morning. Before, heading for church in the afternoon. : )

We are invited to play for this year's O.C.F. Easter camp. So we'll keep rockin' for Jesus! : )

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Money. Rich and Generous?

I'd like to be both rich and generous. There's no limit to the amount of money I make. It increases my capacity to be generous. : )

(image from:

Sometimes in Life, a Star is Born

Many times in life, people who I see like shooting stars pass me by. Today I'm again awed by Ronaldinho.
A boy who grew up in Brazil loving to play football and kept loving it. Now, he's like a maestro where the whole footballing world watches.

(image from:

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Need Housemate (Got him)

My dear friend Kevin's leaving for Malaysia on 28 Jan. It's been good and hope the best for him. Now I need to find a housemate. Criteria: Someone clean and friendly. If you play music it will be a big plus. If you can cook, you're in! = )

Rent is $300 a month. Do let me know.

Note: Vince is moving in on mid Feb! Yaay. : )