Friday, December 01, 2006

Thanking My Family And Friends = )

I'd like to thank my dad. For his prayers, his godly example, his trips on the car and the dinners. = )

I'd like to thank my mum. For her strict instruction, her dinners, trips in her car, times of devotion and Sunday School lessons.

I'd like to thank ko. For his good taste in soccer, clothes. Great 'yum cha's and someone to learn on how to do great humour and make friends. Thanks for the soccer lessons about scoring goals too. = )

I'd like to thank Andrew. For being a really nice guy. Friendly, loving when around and humorous when around with friends. Thank you for being handsome and tall too. Being very popular.

I'd like to thank Shirley. For being a godly example and always learning spiritual truths from you.

I'd like to thank Winnie. For being like a big sister to me. Thanks for helping me understand young adults and people around K.L.

I'd like to thank Wen Jin. For being a great friend. The prayers, encouragement in the faith. I'm so thankful you are preaching now in church. Very encouraged by you and your pursuit for a new job.

S.I.B. people: Ps. Chew, Dr. Lee Choo - your fiery zeal and teaching for God is contageous! , Ps. Peter, Ps. Ay Nee, Ps. Kay, Daniel, Ps. Lindy... the family in S.I.B. which is too huge to put on paper. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you Ocf buddies. For all the great moments, birthdays, camps and meetings on Friday.

Thank you Rachel, Hau Wei, Tuck Wee, Peggen, Christine, Jon Raj, Nik, Karl, Fifie,
Sarah, Kevin, MK, Laura, Sam, Wei Sern, Emalyne, Mei Ching, E-Lyn and all the other Urban Life members. You all are the dearest people to me in this world.

Thank you Ps. Russell - someone I believe who is one of the most anointed people on the planet, Ps. Sam - one of the most beautiful and anointed worship leaders I have ever seen, Ps. Matt - a spiritual dad to me. loves us to bits. , Ps. Mike - passion for the lost is amazing, Ps. Chad, Ps. Rob - his preaching is so funny!, Ps. Alex - amazing care for new people, Ps. Henry - I'll get him to sign my electric guitar one day, Ps. Mike Webber... Family in the Planetshakers City Church. This is my home. This is the place God wants me to be. A Planetshaker forever.

Thank you God for being the One I turn to everyday. The One who is the greatest person, friend, lover and reward of all. Nothing in this world compares to You. Nothing else is worth living for except to love You and love people.

Significant people that have touched my life: Bishop Albert Vun, Ps. Kevin, Ps. Chong Lay, Uncle Shuk Ping, Auntie Annie, Ps. Peter and Ps. Ay Nee, Uncle Philip and Ps. Stella... people like Ps. Brian Houston, Benny Hinn, T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Martin Smith and the DC Talk guys.

"A man becomes like the people he walks with." I guess you catch something when you meet people pushing frontiers of faith and excellence. Thank you all for walking on this earth and being a part of my life.


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